"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things."-Henry Miller

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March Nature Table

I got inspired to change our nature table setup after seeing Melissa's nature table at In the Sparrow's Nest. In the cubbies I added rocks and feathers we collected last year; a guide on rocks and minerals; and magnifying glasses. On top of the shelf, I added our nature guides; a poetry book; and a vase with some tree branches. You will notice that I added shamrocks on the tree branches to give it a St. Patty's Day feel. Besides the shelf there is a basket with nature craft books.

The boys are liking the new setup and have been using the rocks in their play. Aiden likes to stack them on top of the cardboard bricks we have. Ehric likes walking around with the magnifying glass and looking at things up close. I figure once Spring gets here we will add new nature items to our collection. I also hope that by having all the guides handy we will start using them more.

The sun is nervous
As a kite
That can't quite keep
Its own string tight.
Some days are fair.
And some are raw.
The timid earth
Decides to thaw.
Shy budlets peep
From twigs on trees,
And robins join
The chickadees.
Pale crocuses
Poke through the ground
Likes noses come
To sniff around.
The mud smells happy
On our shoes.
We still wear mittens,
Which we lose.
- John Updike, from A Child's Calendar

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