"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things."-Henry Miller

Saturday, May 9, 2009

"It's a flying tractor!"

Aiden has always been very dramatic and creative. He plays hard and plays loud. When he plays with his toys he always accompanies their movements with sounds. I have always loved to hide in the background and listen to what stories or adventures his toys are on. This morning I was beaming when I spotted his wooden tractor. He had added a chicken feather and a few dried vines from our nature table. When I asked Ehric who had made it he proudly said that little brother did. When I told Aiden how much I loved it he said, "It's a flying tractor!" Well of course it is!

I love my children's imaginations and try to encourage them to use their's. I see way too many children who's imaginative life is squashed by well-meaning adults. I believe that play and creativity are so important for children (and adults too). I'm so glad that I can provide them with an environment conducive to play and creativity. I believe it is my job as a parent to leave things out for the boys to discover at their leisure...like the toy tractor and the items from the nature table. But I do not believe it is my job to direct their play. I leave that up to the boys...and I am always so amazed at the things that they come up with. I am so thankful for their creative spirits!

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