My stress went away when I got to the room. The mom (I mentioned above) was there with all her Legos. Another mom had brought a bin with her as well. We had more than enough building toys for everyone to play with. Apparently she was so nervous as well that she got up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep.
My real frustration for the day was Aiden. I was constantly having to chase after him; and apologize to the older children when Aiden decided to knock down their houses or other creations. He also loved to run out of the room. Despite my frustrations, Aiden was having a really great time. While he was knocking down buildings or running around he was flying a Lego creation he made and dramatically saying, "Blast off!" He was apparently flying a rocket and making destruction in his path. Even when I am stressed I can still read between the lines, and catch little glimpses into his imaginary world. He is all boy!!
Ehric always loves to play with older girls (above 6 years old). When he wants to play with them though they are usually not willing to play with a four year old boy. So as he is trying to play with them, they are trying to run off with another girl friend. To get their attention he has this horrible habit of roaring at them and putting his hands in their face like a lion (must be a cave-man thing). Which of course they definitely don't want to have anything to do with him then. Since I know that he has this tendency I try to keep an eye on his whereabouts and try to give him some lessons in how to be a better friend. After awhile my message gets through.
I found one thing that really focused Ehric in a positive way was allowing him to use my camera and take pictures. He looked like a little photographer going around the room taking picture of all that he saw. After that he seemed more relaxed. I think that he just gets so excited when he is around other children and people (because he is so social) that he wants everyone to share his excitement; and wants them to be his instant friend. Hopefully, in time he will understand that some kids need to warm up to other kids before they play.
Overall, I think that our first Lego Day was a success. But I am thankful that it is going to be another month before another one. I was so exhausted after yesterday's event that I ended up lounging the rest of the day!
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